Saturday, July 21, 2012

Online Journalism - The Journalist's Toolbox

Online News Association

Media Bloggers Association

Online Publishers Association

Data Visualization Tutorial
Examples, steps and video of how to create data visualizations

Society for New Communications Research


Nieman Journalism Lab
A project of Harvard University. Ethics and Credibility
Feed of stories and blog posts on web ethics issues, etc.

The PaidContent
Jeff Cutler's site of helpful web tools.

Invisible Inkling
Blog from journalist Ryan Sholin.


Knight Citizen News Network
Interactive map of community news sites.

The Journalism Iconoclast

Wired Pen

The Scoop


Center for Independent Media

Web-Strategist: Social Networking Statistics, 2009

Old Media New Tricks
Run by journalists from the Chicago Tribune and Austin American-Statesman, this site offers hands-on advice from many in media who using social networking and Web 2.0 tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Digg, etc. The site also offers great blogging tips.

Friend or Follow
A helpful database for tracking Twitter followers and to track who's following you.

Lets you back up your followers and people you are following.

Receive an e-mail notification that someone is following you on Twitter. It includes information about that person (how many followers, updates, etc.)

Podcasting Legal Guide


NAA: Digital Edge

NAA: Imagining the Future of Newspapers Blog

API: Newspaper Next

Poynter: New Media Timeline

The Online Timeline
From David Carlson at the University of Florida.

George Mason University: Center for History and New Media

Liquid Newsroom
Future of Journalism Lab blog on mobile trends and other industry news.
Create online magazines with this curation tool. Works like a combination of Storify and
Free .MP3 uploading, hosting and sharing. Works similar to SoundCloud.


National Geographic: How to Take Pictures with a Camera Phone

EyeTracking Study: How People Look at Your Facebook Page

Mashable: Web Typography 101
Breakdown of web-safe fonts.

Delicious: Great SoundSlides Examples
Examples from Regina McCombs at the Poynter Institute.
Twitter search that doesn't suck.

Twitter: A Producer's Guide
A video Twitter primer of great examples of how to incorporate social media into a broadcast. A combination of news and TV shows.

Jupiter Communications
Jupiter Communications provides research on Internet commerce. Jupiter's research, which is solely focused on the Internet economy, provides clients with comprehensive views of industry trends, forecasts and best practices.

Society for News Design: Multimedia Toolkit
A great collection of resources, many of them free, to help journalists develop great stories online. Resources include audio, video, charts, mapping, databases and more. This is a must-bookmark and a great resource for student journalists learning to develop content for the Web.
This site is a collection of news, tools and links targeted to the online news industry. The site, which offers and RSS, is a good quick reference for industry trends. It's run by Will Sullivan, the award-winning Interactive Director of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Online News Association
Good online newsletter with dot-com studies, more.

Electronic Frontier Foundation: Legal Guide for Bloggers

RTDNA: Social Media Guidelines
Radio TV Digital News Association established guidelines for using Twitter and Facebook.

Internet Newsroom
A good newsletter on how journalists should use the Web.

Internet Press Guild

HTML Writers Guild
Links, online courses and more.

Next Level of News
Great blog about online storytelling, social media and other trends.

A social conference directory. Think of it as an IMDB for conferences.

Association of Internet Professionals

Google Public Data Explorer
Makes large datasets easy to explore, visualize and communicate. As the charts and maps animate over time, the changes in the world become easier to understand. 12 Great Tips for Digital Startups

Seven Things You Need to Know About How People Read Online

Font Dragr
Browser based tool that checks for web-friendly fonts. Just drag and drop!

Site that accompanies Ken Doctor's book by the same title. Explores the emerging business of digital news and how it shapes what we read.

ScoopIt: Top Web Sites for Journalists

Topix: Journalism News

Send/share large video files.

Best Practices for Engaging Facebook Users
Organize your social media and other online accounts.

Jeremy Caplan's Useful Sites
Apps, websites and other tools.

Data Miner UK
Site helps you develop ideas for data-based online journalism projects.

Talking New Media Blog
A daily chronicle of Internet, mobile and tablet publishing news, information and opinion.

Social Media Today
A daily chronicle of Internet, mobile and tablet publishing news, information and opinion.


Reynolds Institute: Mobile Journalism Tools Guide
Great list of resources from Will Sullivan. 50 Coolest Websites

Ten Basic Tools to Improve Your Online Journalism

Tumblr Tutorial for Journalists

40 Best Blogs for College Journalists
Solid list of key sites you should bookmark.

Original Online Coverage of 9/11
Archives of stories, pages, screengrabs and more.

Globe & Mail: Twitter History

Helps you collect data from web, cell phones, etc., aggregate it and visualize it on a map.

W3 Web Tutorials
Learn HTML, CSS, etc.

Open source code for interactive mapping.
An easy way to check your network/computer IP address.

101 Ways to Improve Your Media Website

Journalism Journeyman
Great blog full of industry tips and resources.

25 Essential iPad Apps for Journalists

CNN: Newsroom Exposed
A look at the extensive process of getting a story from the newsroom to the Web.

A great weblog that covers current journalism topics.
Shortens URLs and provides diagnostics/stats on hits.

House Subcommittee on Communications, Technology and the Internet

ClickZ: Seven Qualities of Good Online Writing

Time Magazine: 50 Best Web Sites
Search this database by city or state in the U.S., or several other countries for places where you can connect to the Internet without plugging your laptop into the wall. Includes airports, restaurants, etc.

NPR: As a Matter of Fact Blog
Blog from the news librarians at National Public Radio.

Center for Media Innovation and Research
University of Florida innovation.

First Monday
A peer-reviewed Internet Journal, looks at various studies and results that have recently been done on the topic of journalism and the Internet.

Media Visions
Great research with a strong section on critical-thinking skills.

An interesting piece of software tool that claims to expose news spin and bias, misuse of sources, and suspect factual support. Uses algorithms to spot spin keywords on sites you surf .

Knight Citizen News Network
Resources for citizen media.

Center for Citizen Media
More resources for citizen media.

Press Think
Blog from NYU's Jay Rosen on new media and other timely topics.

The Digital Journalist
Helps more than 600 newspapers -- dailies and weeklies in 48 states publish on the World Wide Web. Operated by International Newspaper Network, which was founded in 1989 to help community newspapers deal with new technology, the site offers tips, stories and a newsletter on tech trends.

Center for Digital Democracy

National Institute for Computer-Assisted Reporting

Journalistics: 91 Blogs Journalists Will Love

Investigative Reporters and Editors site offers many free and charged resources.

Hacks/Hackers Help Page
Tips and tricks for spreadsheets, databases and other online apps questions.

Tips for Journalists Who Want to Code

Mapperz Mapping News
A blog about mapping.

URL Appraisal
Find out how much your web address is worth.

Ben Franklin Project: Web Tools
A great list of free online storytelling and multimedia tools.

Power Reporting
List of syllabi and tools from CAR courses across the nation's New Media Bibliography
Trends, ethics, design, resources galore.

Top 10 Crimes of Online Writing

The Electronic Frontier Foundation
EFF works to protect free expression and access to information online.

Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies
A not-for-profit organziation whose purpose is to research, study, teach, support, and create diverse and dynamic elements of cyberculture.

CJR: News Frontier Database

Center for Digital Storytelling

Cyberjournalist: Newsroom Convergence Headlines
Stories on what's happening with digital/print/broadcast news.

Flowing Data: 37 Data-ish Blogs You Should Know About

PC Magazine: 10 Ways Not To Be a Jerk Online

The Wayback Machine
A new version of that searches screengrabs of old website designs.

Computer Newspaper Editors
A directory of hundreds of online news editors.
Tutorials, links, story tips, government links. Great site!

Build rich contact profiles inside your Gmail.
Build infographics in this free, easy-to-use browser-based tool.

Twitter spam filter.

Evaluates your site based on SEO, design-friendliness, etc.

Evaluates your Web site's SEO, design, etc.

Imbedding Almost Anything on Your Web Page

Online magazine about digital imaging published in three editions (English, Spanish and Dutch).

Media Web Directory
A great collection of links to media-related sites.

100 of the Best Authors on Twitter

Flowing Data: The Best Data Visualization Projects of 2011

ONA: Best Audio Slideshows 2011
User picks. Great examples for newsrooms, classrooms.

Las Vegas News Now 8: Desert Underwater
Multimedia look at foreclosures in Vegas.

Ragan: 14 Apps That Will Jumpstart Your Writing

Graphic Novel Reporter
News, reviews, blog and more.
Internet statistics and marketing information.

ONA: Interactive Narratives
From the Online News Association, this site highlights great online media packages.

Mastering Multimedia
A blog about photojournalism and online journalism.
A photojournalism site that offers tips, news and commentary about digital storytelling.
Guide to the best in multimedia and video journalism.

Digital Journalist's Legal Guide
From the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press.

Future Journalism Project
Blog about the industry, tech equipment, issues in online journalism, etc.
It's mission is to "investigate, inform and improve the credibility of information published on the World Wide Web." New Media Timeline
Background from the 1960s to the 1990s.

The Digital Publisher
A new column on online publishing.
Site is indexing Sept. 11 content.

Yahoo! Picks: News Media Best of the Web
The 21 top media sites, according to Yahoo!

Purdue University Web 2.0 Tools
Great categorized list of interactive Web tools.

The Internet Blueprint
Developing legislative bills to build a better Internet.

Site closed May 2001 but still has content up. Best of the Web
Tracks trends in many e-industries and includes lists of links.

Google Zeitgeist
An archive of what people are searching for online.

AltaVista Search Trends

SEO for Journalists Blog

Multimedia Evangelist Blog
Great tips on products, tools and gadgets.

Multimedia Standards

Yahoo! List of Most Viewed News Content (U.S.)

National Education Technology Writers Association

Radio and Internet Newsletter
A great site developed by Kurt Hanson.

Media Survey
Tracks Web site performance. A good newsletter that offers "expert tech media analysis."
Like the Nielsen TV ratings, this site offers traffic information for the top Web sites.

the lowercase world of sreenath sreenivasan
associate professor of professional practice administrator, online journalism awards co-founder, south asian journalists association.

Small Business Websites That Work
This is the companion site to my book of the same name and includes lots of helpful background material for writers researching how company Web sites can be made effective. There are a couple of full chapters available for download (including an internet backgrounder called "Getting to Know the Internet") and lots of links for businessmen and researchers.


Top Documentary Films
Watch online documentaries for free.

The Internet Society: A Brief History of the Internet

Wall Street Journal All Things Digital

Tech blog from journalist Jeff Jarvis.

ClickZ Internet Statistics and Demographics

The Estlow Center

Andrew Holovaty
Site of innovative Chicago web developer Andrew Holovaty, who developed Django, etc.

History of Computing Project

Hobbes' Internet Timeline


Institute for New Media Studies

University of Texas: International Symposium on Online Journalism
Video, papers, transcripts fromm pasty symposiums.

FCC: The Internet: A Short History of Getting Connected

University of Maryland J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism

Google program helps turn numbers into visual stories.

Journal of New Communications Research

Electronic Frontier Foundaton: Legal Guide for Bloggers

Podcasting Legal Guide

APME: "Local Readers and the Newsroom: The Online Credibility Gap"

Lost Remote

PBS: MediaShift
From PBS' Mark Glaser.

Library of Congress; National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program

Stanford Law School Center for Internet and Society

WWW-VL: Internet History

Editing for the Web
Covers design and editing tips, as well as training for web editors and offers pointers on how to make web products work. Where Journalism and Technology Meet
A blog on technology and multimedia storytelling, written by Mark S. Luckie, a print journalist who studied multimedia journalism at UC Berkeley's Graduate School of Journalism. He has produced multimedia and interactive projects for Entertainment Weekly, Los Angeles Times and Contra Costa Times (Ca.).

Web Page Design for Designers
This site is helps graphic designers make the transition from print to the web.

Knight Digital Media Center Tutorials
Great training tips, ranging from video software to data visualization.

Web Review
Targeted to designers, this site covers various aspects of developing a web site, developing a database, news and Web tools and include columns about creating a site.

BBC: How Big Really? Dimensions
Gives spatial context for events by presenting them against the background of a place (city or ZIP code) whose dimensions a reader understands. Very similar to during the BP Gulf oil spill.

Stanford: Journalism in the Age of Data
A great video tutorial on how to use data visualization online as a journalist.


Video: History of the Internet

Mashable: How Social Media Is Changing the Business of TV

Poynter: How to Assess the Quality of a Web Site
A great video tutorial on how to use data visualization online as a journalist.
Location-based data mapping tool. Free on the Web.

Error Level Analysis
Enter the web address of an online photo and this free site analyzes how much Photoshop work has been done to the photo.

Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
A site that invites journalists to publish their work and reach new audiences.

Dot Mobi
Test your Web site's content to see how it would appear on a mobile browser.

Knight Digital Media Center: Connecting with Communities of Difference

The Future of News
A blog by University of North Carolina professor Ryan Thornburg.

Citizen Media Law Project Legal Guide
Search by keyword or state-by-state map.

Knight Digital Media Center Newsletter

Federal Web Managers Council
Offers guidelines to managing U.S. government Web sites. Helpful for following trends on how agencies are communicating with people and the media.
A great visual mashup that allows you to pinpoint Twitter topics trending across the country.

Twitter Chat Etiquette
Great list of tips from Jennifer Hellum.

What the Hashtag?
Look up what various hashtags mean in this database. Great for finding Twitter chats.

Video: Tutorial on How to Use BatchGeo with Google Maps

Global Online Survey: Who Blogs Online?
Research from the Knight Digital Media Center, April 2010.
Track trends on a specific topic or newsmaker.

Great for tracking trends on a specific topic or newsmaker.
Charts government stats and other data.

A government data mashup that is an initiative of the Obama administration.

Warning: There may ethical concerns with content produced on this site! This community funded journalism site is a nonprofit project of the Center for Media Change. The public can commission journalists to do investigations on important and perhaps overlooked stories. All donations are tax deductible and if a news organization buys exclusive rights to the content, your donation will be reimbursed.

Storify and Social Media Curation Skills
Great tips and examples from the Knight Digital Media Center.

Five Rules for Journalists Using Storify
From Staci Baird from San Francisco State University.

Cyberjournalist: Half of Americans Watch Video Online

Cyberjournalist: Innovative Journalism on Tumblr
Crowdsourced funding for photojournalism projects, similar to

Play the News
This interactive game helps readers understand current events and news. It's created by a company called Impact Games.

Journalism Research Social Network
Videos, blogs, discussion and other networking tools to cover what areas of online journalism you're researching. Site is founded by Paul Bradshaw from Great Britain.

Information Valet Project
From the Reynolds Institute at the University of Missouri, the Information Valet Project is organizing an information-industry collaborative to build, own and operate a shared-user network layered upon the basic Internet.
A job/internship site tailored to college students looking for multimedia jobs. Watch imbedded videos from professionals on how to find jobs, interview, write cover letters, etc. If you are interested in Web reporting/production or TV production, take advantage of the advice on this site.

How to pull live TV clips off the web and share in social media and embed in Storify.
Download streaming video from YouTube and other sites to edit and use in your video.

SearchEngineLand: What is SEO?
Video explains what search engine optimization is and how it works.

History of Communication
Includes mentions of web, social media near the end.

30-Plus Free Multimedia Editing Tools

Aviary Myna Audio Editor
A great substitution for Audacity and Garage Band.

Directory of All Congressional Twitter Handles

Sepiatown: Mapped Historical Photos, Film and Audio
Upload historical images by location. Then/now tool compares Google Streetview images along with images from the past.

Build imbedded flow charts for free.

Open source graph visualization tool.

Free Multimedia Tools

Newseum Digital Classroom Videos
From ethics to apps, these short videos give you the basics of journalism.

Only works on windows. Has some great features: cross-fade loops, vocal removal, batch processing, etc.

Only designed for Mac and Linux, this "digital audio workstation" can record, mix, and edit audio cost-free.

Free only for Macs, this full-featured audio editor is compatible with the full range of audio and music file formats.

Good for building free audio slideshows.

Another good tool for building free audio slideshows.


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