Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My ChristianMingle Experience. Sigh. | Worship and Swag

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Are you wondering why you?re reading this instead of the regular Good Jesus talk? Or you?re about to move this post to your spam folder? Don?t worry, I?m still me?you?re definitely on worship and swag. I?m just feeling a little funny that?s all :)

After many months of constant playback ?Find God?s match for you? blah blah blah on the radio, and other bloggers writing about exploring other options or how women look to the wrong places for a mate, Single Nigerian, The Love Chest, I decided to check out this online dating thing. No harm, right? It?s got Christian values; even the tagline is ?Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.? ? Psalms 37:4. First let me clear some misconception I can already smell: I am really not looking for a man, at least not now. Serious! I was just curious about the website?s integrity. I?m not lying! Serious daters, I apologize if I?ve belittled your online activities by my snooping. I digress.

So things got a little different, I mean, my expectations were a little bruised. What was I expecting, an online church with members from all over the world who eventually pair up to worship together? Anyway, my experience was worth documenting. The home page like I said was reeking of Christian values so I clicked. My Nigerian instinct common sense however urged me to browse around before signing up for the unknown.

The first question was about my height which I answered truthfully. Figured that won?t hurt anyone. Next was my body type. Now my eyebrows were raised slightly like ?huh?? The options ranged from slender, washboard, athletic, all the way to ?I?ll tell you later.? Of course I chose to reveal my body type later. Skip to ethnicity, options ranged from African, Black/African descent to other. Here my pulse began to race. Whether from excitement or something else I can?t tell. In the end there?s no escaping aesthetics or race; I suppose no one wants to marry an animal-looking spouse. Pardon me. Skip to what church you were raised in; among the options was Charismatic. Like, was I raised in a charismatic church? I was tempted to say yes but worried that it might throw something off?what if he discovered later on that I wasn?t raised in a Charismatic church? (at this point I was unconsciously serious, lol!) So I answered truthfully.

Eventually I was tricked into providing a username and password. Another hurdle I didn?t anticipate but this was a fun one. Getting a username was hard, difficult. All the nice names were taken. Guys, how far are you willing to go to protect your online identity? Even names like Genesis, Rahab, Revelation, Habakkuk, Beersheba, Deuteronomy, even Corinthian were already in use! My username had to be biblical, no compromises. After 20 minutes I settled for Queen Vashti aKa Vashtee; all other powerful names were taken. I wondered if that influences mate selection.

Three hours later?

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Hey it?s actually not that bad! Heck I even made some searches. I also found black men in the search results, might I add that I?m thinking they?re African. I know they?re African?what black man says ?Look, I?m going to be very honest. I want a woman I can have a family with.?? Honestly, I cringed at that line (screams I want a housewife, lol. No?) but I?m glad to see our African men thinking outside the box and not just running to the village all the time. As if the village holds the key to locks on successful relationships.?

While I wouldn?t tell you whether to try online dating or not, there are some perks to ChristianMingle :) I learned more about myself and my strengths than I have in over 20 years with the color code?even took a relationship readiness IQ test! Questions like do I hurl furniture when I?m angry in public or smile sweetly while silently hoping for a quiet space to blow up over minute issues were asked, and boy were the results spot on?most of the time. In the end, ChristianMingle is just like any other online dating site but modest and with Christian values. That?s what they say.

How far have you gone to get a mate? Any online dating experiences?? P.S I might deactivate my christianmingle account soon :)

Avid watcher of Asian movies/dramas, harsh critic of Nigerian movies, blogger, student, aspiring writer/novelist, and lover of Jesus Christ!


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