Thursday, February 2, 2012


Author speech:

Th?? article explicated th? analysis ?f business decisions ?? economic cost & benefit. If ??? find th? costs ?nd benefits fr?m th? investment- Y?? m??t b? clearly defined criteria t? b? used f?r evaluation against th? investment proposal. Th? criteria f?r m?k?ng ?n investment analysis ?f dealing benefits ?nd costs ?f ?n investment proposal, th??? benefits ?nd costs ?n m??t cases d? n?t take ?l??? directly, b?t th??? ?r? variable ?? th?t ??n b? generated f?r changeable periods.

On th? basis ?f m? experience, observed, & analysis, th?? article I h??? paid attention mainly ?n th? economic benefits achieved fr?m investing ?n ?nd operating a business. In th?? article, I h??? struggled t? expose ?n more specific terms w?th th? economic costs associated b? way ?f business decisions.

Throughout ?th? article I h??? tried talk ?b??t ?n greater details-th? cost ?f various types ?f capital employed ?n a business, examine h?w th?? cost ?? measured, ?nd ?n wh?t form ?nd f?r wh??h purposes th?? economic reality ?h??ld affect business d??????n m?k?ng.


Investment policies h??? given a n?w viewpoint t? th? ??rt ?f financial administration, Generally, I found th?t a few people knows th? g??d investment policy ?nd wh?n those people apply th??r knowledgeable strategy w?th th? investment usually th?? gain,, ?t ?? highly unlikely th?t without th? appropriate knowledge ?f investment policy a few people try t? r?n a business w?th a h?g? amount, b?t unfortunately m??t ?f th??? investors turn around fr?m th?? business w?th h?g? losses. ?ll decisions involving t? business investment fr?m th? analysis ?f investment ?n running capital such ?? cash, banks, accounts receivable, inventory ?nd investment capital represented ?n fixed assets such ?? buildings, land, machinery, technology etc. t? m?k? th? r?ght decisions th? financier h?? t? take ?nt? account elements ?f evaluation ?nd analysis ?? th? criteria f?r analysis,

meaning th? analysis ?f investment:

In m??t types ?f organizations ?r private companies, financial decisions ?r? focused ?r h??? a clear objective, ?th? maximization ?f assets b? th? utilities, th?? fact ?n th? present conditions, m??t refocus ?n a? maximizing wealth ?nd th? creation ?f ?business value?. Against th?? background ?n investment resources ?r? allocated ?nd results obtained fr?m th?m,

Meaning th? analysis ?f Operating d??????n:

Operating decisions th?t involve routine responsibilities. Such ?? ?l?nn?ng production ?nd sales, scheduling personnel ?nd equipment, adjusting production rates, ?nd controlling th? production Quality

Decisional framework:

Th? decisional framework I h??? discussed ?ll along strained th? interrelationship ?f investment, operations, ?nd financing. In m? experience observed th?t, over time, m??t management decisions cause cash movements ?n one form ?r another.

Th? dynamics ?f th? business system require th?t funds b? available ?t ?n? time temporarily ?r permanently fr?m a variety ?f sources, provided internally ?r externally. Key internal sources ?r? cash flows fr?m profitable operations ?r shifts ?n existing funds commitments.

Type ?f external sources ?r? borrowing ?r raising n?w equity. B?????? th? basic purpose ?f investing ?n, operating, ?nd financing a business ?? t? raise th? economic value ?f th? owners? bet over time, management decisions ?h??ld form economic value f?r th? shareholders b? generating ?ft?r-tax results th?t ?r? higher th?n th? cost ?f ?ll th? supporting capital inputs.

Investment Decisions

One ?f th? m??t vital long phrase decisions f?r ?n? business relates t? investment. Investment ?? th? Obtain ?r m?k?ng ?f assets w?th th? purpose ?f m?k? gains ?n th? future. naturally investment engaged b? financial wealth t? b?? a machine/ building ?r ?th?r asset, wh??h w?ll th?n give up returns t? ?n organization over a period ?f time

I th?nk th? first thing ?? t? identify wh?t ??? want. Y?? m??t know wh?t th? business prospect means f?r ??? ?nd wh?t ??? want t? achieve out ?f ???r investment. It ?? generally a g??d ?l?n t? h??? a pre-?l?nn?d profit level th?t acts ?? ?n object f?r ???r investment work. Th? g??d investor w?ll ?l?? take time t? recognize th? market th?t th?? ?r? trying t? pierce. D? n?t ???t rely ?n information ?r suggestions fr?m th? people. Y?? w?ll need t? g? ?nd see th? ????r?t? operation ?f th? business ?? th?t ??? ??n review whether ??? ?r? l?k?l? t? b? winning. Th? past ?f business investment ?? beset w?th ?t?r??? ?f people wh? jumped against schemes th?? d?d n?t know ?nd ?nd?d up paying a very heavy price

Following Solution ?f considerations ?n m?k?ng investment decisions ?r?:

1. Wh?t ?? th? scale ?f th? investment ? ??n th? company afford ?t?

2. H?w long w?ll ?t b? before th? investment ?t?rt? t? yield returns?

3. H?w long w?ll ?t take t? pay back th? investment?

4. Wh?t ?r? th? expected profits fr?m th? investment?

A g??d investor w?ll always look f?r t? administer ?nd shelter th??r investment. If ??? ???t ??t ?n investment project ?nd hope f?r th? best, ??? ?r? ?n a smooth slope t? financial r??n. Y?? w?ll need t? pay steady attention t? wh?t ?? happening t? ???r business b? requesting f?r management information ?nd evidence ?f growth. Th?t way smoothly ?f th?r? ?r? problems ??? w?ll know ?b??t th?m ?nd formulate a corrective strategy.

A? well established th?t l???t standards f?r investments h?d t? b? set high sufficient t? pay costs both f?r th? projects exact risk ?nd f?r th? chance loss ?f forgoing th? returns fr?m ?n? substitute uses ?f th? funds invested. Such alternative investments ?n th? company?s normal tricks ?r ?n n?w initiatives w?r? equally assumed t? sufficiently reimburse both shareholders ?nd lenders f?r providing th??r capital.

Cash flows connected w?th investment:

Wh?n creation ?n investment th? company expects a number ?f fixed cost ?nd production costs f?r a positive number ?f future benefits, th??? invention costs ?nd profit ?? called ?Cash Flow?, th?? components ?r? importance f?r investment d??????n

I recommended th?t th? company?s generally cost ?f capital, wh?n used ?? a minimum standard f?r th? economic attractiveness ?f investments, totally ?n person ?ll ?f th??? requirements, ?nd value w??ld b? ?r??t?d ?f a project?s cash flow performance exceeded th? company?s cost ?f Capital. Th? analytical methods directly include ?n? financing costs; r?th?r, th? cash outflows ?nd inflows ?? defined represented ?nl? investment outlays ?n th? one hand,

Rate ?f return required f?r investment d??????n:

Th? required rate ?f return ?? th? minimum rate ?f return th?t ?? n??????r? f?r ?n investment th?t w?ll b? established. In formative th?? rate m??t take ?nt? account ?ll internal ?nd external factors th?t influence th? investment d??????n.

M? statement ?n financial theory wh??h states th?t ?investors ?r? risk-aversive? takes gr??t implication ?n th? logic th?t, ?? th?r? ?? more risk involved ?n th? d??????n t? invest ?n a project w?ll require a higher give up wealth invested. Thus, th? expected return f?r ?n investment project depends ?n th? exact project risk assessment, taking ?nt? account th? risk free rate ?nd t? invest ?n th?? project. Th? aspects discussed ?effective tool ?n achieving th? proper financial management ?n th? d??????n t? rent business investment, b?t ?ll th?? m??t b? verified ?nd supplemented b? technical studies, math ?nd controls executed ?b? th? monitoring accountable f?r th? financial area ?f th? company.

Th? rules ?f a g??d investor ?r? n?t rocket science. Everyone ??n achieve ??m? level ?f success ?f th?? take th? time t? g? over th??r investment opportunities ?nd m?k? th? m??t logical business decisions best ?n th? information available ?nd th??r ?wn knowledge. Common sense d??? h?l? ?? well, especially ?f ??? ?r? dealing w?th people.

Operating Decisions:

Role ?f Operating Level ?f Management: Th? top level management divides ?b??t finance production, marketing, rules ?nd system f?r employees, process ?nd working methods. Th? middle level management collects n??????r? wealth ?nd services f?r th??r execution ?nd bottom level management implements th? rules process, methods ?nd programme shaped b? th? top level management. Th?? type ?f execution ?? associated w?th th? industrial regulation, continuity ?f activities ?nd m??t usage ?f resources. Middle level office supervisors ?nd bottom level jobbers, foremen ?nd workers ?r? connected w?th th?? work.

Decisions ?r? being implemented ?t bottom level ?nd f?r ?t? efficiency th? management?s method h?? t? b? followed. It includes following ?f working method ?nd working process. Due t? th? process ?nd methods, th? work ?f coordination between th? activities becomes effective ?nd ?n effective control wh??h ??n b? ??t ?n ?ll types ?f works. In short f?r th? decisions ?f efficiency, th? administrative process becomes ?n ?m??rt?nt ??rt.

Th? time prospect f?r operating decisions ?? generally shorter th?n th?t ?f th? typical business investment. h?w???r, operational funds movements, such ?? increases ?r decreases ?n trade credit both used ?nd extended ?nd swings ?n cash balances ?nd accruals ?? d???r?b?d ?n d? involve costs, both ?n th? form ?f out-?f-pocket charges ?nd opportunity costs. F?r case, a near-term d??????n t? take pay f?r discounts m?ght involve significant economic benefits wh?n weighed against th? cost ?f ?n? incremental borrowing essential t? take advantage ?f th? discount. Cash management decisions t? minimize bank balances ??n eliminate th? opportunity costs inherent ?n idle funds. In fact, th?r? ?r? myriad circumstances ?n wh??h near-term decisions ??n cause ?r eliminate th? cost ?f employing funds, ?? th??? decisions ?r? ?ft?n directly linked t? incremental sources th?t entail specific costs.

Effective decisions ?r? being full b? keeping th? present activities ?n mind ?nd th??r main aim ?? t? accomplish th? present objectives. Th??? decisions ?r? taken f?r th? getting ?f positive results b? fulfilling th? departmental objectives. F?r th?? th? departmental employees ?r? given training according t? th??r activities ?nd ?n effecting level?s personnel ?? given essential powers f?r th? same cases,

Above I h??? tried t? expose th? costs associated w?th obtaining financing ?nd compensating providers ?f different sources ?f funds, both short-term ?nd long-term, wh??h m??t b? considered b? management ?n m?k?ng ?n? financing d??????n. Obviously, using ?n? type ?f funds entails ?n economic cost t? th? company ?n one form ?r another. One ?f management?s obligations ?? t? expand a pattern ?f funding th?t both matches th? risk/reward profile ?f th? business ?nd ?? suitably modified t? meeting th? evolving needs ?f th? company. At th? same time, th? ??? ?f long-term funds entails meeting th? prospect ?f creditors, ?nd meeting ?r ?f possible exceeding th? potential ?f th? providers ?f equity funds, th? company?s shareholders.

Conclusion: Th? operative decisions ?r? different ?n nature ?n comparison w?th t? strategic decisions. Mostly th?? possess a special importance f?r achieving th? short term motives ?n framework t? th? internal situation ?f a business component



Dhaka, Bangladesh


Mr. Mohammad Wahid Abdullah Khan ?? th? Project director ?f ?Max Textiles Ltd?.Mr. Wahid h?? b??n ?n accounting field ??n?? 1999. Prior t? th?t h? h?d completed over ten (10) years ?n various fields ?f Business l?k? ? Accounts, Finance, Internal & External Audit, project budgeting ?nd project costing related positions ?n ??m? ?f th? l?rg??t group companies & th? join venture companies ?n Bangladesh.


H? consults w?th small- medium business owners ?nd services professionals, business consulting service ?nd project process. H? ?? m??t experience ?n Financial Risk Assessment, Financial analysis, Financial Advising ?nd Project Cost Analysis. H? h?? published more th?n 100 articles & case study ?n different international journals. Such ?? Business, finance, personal finance, international finance, auditing, Risk assessment topic ?nd performance & industrial related,


Mr. khan?s m??t ????l?r articles ?? ??WAK? Model - Th? way ?f best solution f?r ?n organization internal audit process,( 1st,2nd,& 3rd ??rt) ?WAK? Model- f?r successful financial resource , ?Wahid khan?- cost analysis, Wahid theory ? th? key ?f dynamic series f?r successful financial consulting, Wahid techniques ? th? Significance ?nd dependability manner f?r Performance audit(1st,2nd,& 3rd ??rt) Wahid?s Opinion - non-conformity ?m?ng th? performance audit ?nd financial audit, Wahid?s view- Th? cogent task ?nd th? confront ?f financial/economic analysis ?n th? modern business d??????n m?k?ng , Wahid?s outlook- Th? Business Financial Analysis Sh??ld B? Included several required Documents w?th th? analysis report ?r ?l?n, WAHID?S JUDGMENT-d?ff?r?n?? strategic ?l?n ?? opposed t? ?n operational ?l?n , & PPBS Model, h? h?? consulted w?th more th?n 25 service & product companies,? ?n recent years Mr. khan h?? b??n spending m??t ?f h?? professional time f?r financial consulting , Mr. Wahid ?? th? owner ?f ?WAM? Associates ?nd ?WAK? business solutions;



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