Thursday, August 23, 2012

Love and Marriage ? Menial Musings

?Love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage!?

Like any other girl, I often suffer from a condition called ?Wedding Brain.? Although I have often bragged that I was never ?wedding crazy? as a young girl, now that I am older I will not deny that the mention of a wedding gives me an excited shiver and a glowing uterus. I drive by scenic locations and think, ?What a great place for a reception! (sigh)? and some of my favorite television programs include David Tutera?s ?My Fair Wedding? and ?Say Yes to the Dress.? All women are half human, half wedding monster and I am no exception to the rule.

However, just because I like the general idea of a day devoted to proclaiming love and pretty dresses, this does not mean I want to get married anytime soon. Even at the tender age of 22, I am reminded that I have no ring on my finger. Many of my Facebook friends are changing their relationship status? from ?In a Relationship? to ?Engaged? while mine has remained stationary for some time. It seems that the age that women are married decreases as the age that men are married increases. This means that the tick tock of the marriage clock can be heard right after a woman graduates college. I hear it all the time.

I tend to make myself ?4 year plans.? As a recent graduate, my last 4 year plan has been accomplished and I am starting to move on to my next. This plan is a bit more tricky to devise and will require some real work if I am to pack all the travel, career work and other life goals in before a marriage at the end of the plan. I will need to start my career within the year! Save enough money to travel to all my dream destinations in two! Have enough stability to start a family in three?!?! My head is spinning,

?Because I am getting old ? is not a reason to get married. ?Because I have been dating this guy for a really long time? is not a reason to get married. ?Because I want to fool around with my boyfriend/girlfriend? is not a reason to get married. ?Because it is what everyone else is doing? is not a reason to get married.

Screw the plan! I want to just see what happens. Love is the only really good reason to get married. But, even if you are hopelessly in love, this does not mean you are ready for all the financial responsibilities and commitment of a marriage. I want to travel, start that career, even write a book and take all these goals slowly, because that is just my style. When I have found myself, then it will be time to start a life with another. I can?t plan out when this will happen and I am sick and tired of the strict, ?First comes love, then comes marriage? mentality of some people.

Now, I don?t think that marriage is the ?end all,? the ?dead-end.? Instead, I think it is an incredible, life-changing step in life. This is why I only want to embrace it when I believe I have faced the trials and tribulations of life and am truly ready. It is the same with love. This is the most beautiful, poetic emotion known to man; so why rush it? I want to experience all that love has to offer. When I find that I have exhausted my ?In a Relationship? stage, I will move on to an ?Engaged? and then a ?Married.? Loving each step of love to its fullest. We are all different, and each of us will will spend a different amount of time in each stage. I do not judge any young ?Engaged? couples out there. If you have truly found that nothing in the world would make you happier than moving to the ?Married? stage I am proud of your maturity.? I applaud you for knowing what you want out of life.

We are all different. I won?t judge you if you won?t judge me for being slow and steady when it comes to relationships.


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