Friday, August 31, 2012

Global cancer research database reveals what you can do to lower ...

By the year 2030, the number of people diagnosed annually with cancer worldwide could reach 21 million. This week, the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) is meeting in Montreal to discuss how to diminish the rising tide of cancer.

The long-term solution, experts think, lies in another startling statistic: that 40% of cancers stem from factors that we can control.

At the meeting, the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund International (AICR/WCRF) rolled out the latest update to the world?s largest central database of research on how lifestyle choices influence the risk of cancer. Key causes of ?preventable? cancer include unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, being overweight, alcohol and tobacco, and not taking full advantage of preventive vaccinations and screenings.

?The fact is that changes in our lifestyle can powerfully protect us against cancer,? says Dr. Anthony Komaroff, editor in chief of the Harvard Health Letter and a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. ?In fact, we can do more to protect ourselves against cancer than our doctors can do for us.?

Unfortunately, even the healthiest lifestyle won?t immunize you against cancer. ?Age and?genetics outweigh many of these risk factors,? says Dr. William Kormos, editor in chief of Harvard Men?s Health Watch and a primary care physician at Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.

For example, having a first-degree relative?a parent or sibling?with colon or prostate cancer could double your risk. At the same time, the healthier your choices, the more benefit you are likely to gain.

?What science needs to do now is figure out how these lifestyle factors influence the risk of cancer,? Dr. Komaroff says. ?What are the changes in body chemistry caused by these lifestyle factors that influence the development of cancer? If we can figure that out, we might identify targets for new anti-cancer drugs.?

In all the hopeful discussion of lifestyle?s role in cancer, it is important to remember that millions of people are newly diagnosed every year. For them, the mere mention of ?preventable cancer? can feel like an indictment.

?Someone who has unfortunately developed cancer, and who may have had an unhealthy lifestyle, can feel that they are being blamed,? Dr. Komaroff says. ?It?s bad enough to learn you have cancer, particularly if it is of a kind that is likely to end your life prematurely. To add guilt on top of that is just adding to the suffering.?

But the lesson from Montreal is not about laying blame, but creating hope. Taking the best care of your body as you can is still the cheapest and one of the most effective ways to save the lives of people not yet in the grip of cancer.


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Filmmaker Vana Thiero Discusses Her Documentary - CBS New York



STUDIO CITY ( ? Filmmaker and autism advocate Vana Thiero stopped by KCAL9 Friday to discuss her documentary ?My Thiero Boys: A Lifestyle Dealing with Autism.?

Theiro is using the film to create awareness about the needs, behaviors and lifestyle inherent in the autism community.

The former editor for CNN is a single mother with two autistic sons.

For more information, check out My Theiro Boys.


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Ecological monitoring on bird populations in Europe re-evaluated

Ecological monitoring on bird populations in Europe re-evaluated [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Aug-2012
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Contact: Dr. Dirk Schmeller
Pensoft Publishers

Biodiversity and environmental monitoring is of crucial importance to diagnose changes in the environment and natural populations in order to provide conservation practice with relevant data and recommendations. The information from monitoring is required, for example, for the design and evaluation of biodiversity policies, conservation management, land use decisions, and environmental protection.

Birds are headline indicators of biodiversity due to their worldwide distribution and popularity. More than 600 bird monitoring programs are in place in Europe, resulting in huge investment of effort. Nearly 28,000 people have been involved in the 144 monitoring programs analyzed in the Nature Conservation paper, spending almost 80,000 person days per year. The evaluation was performed in SCALES, a large-scale integrated project funded by the 7th Framework Program (FP7) of the European Union.

At a dedicated SCALES symposium at the 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB) in Glasgow on 28th-31st of August 2012, the lead author Dr Dirk Schmeller from the CNRS, France and guest researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ in Leipzig, Germany, commented: "Although popular among conservationists, bird-monitoring practices have never been characterized quantitatively. We undertook a focused questionnaire-based survey to objectively explore the strengths and weaknesses of the massive bird-monitoring effort in Europe. The results indicate a high potential for further improvements to bird monitoring in sampling design, data analysis and involvement of volunteers from the public".

"Variation in space and time can cause a significant deviation in the monitoring results, which may lead to incorrect conservation policy decisions", added Dr Klaus Henle from UFZ and coordinator of SCALES. "Therefore increasing awareness of the spatial or temporal scale at which monitoring has been performed can be of crucial importance!"

To optimize the monitoring practices, the scientists have proposed a range of recommendations. For most monitoring programs, the best data type to be collected is quantitative (count) data, such as number of individuals, which provide an early warning for conservation and policy. Further, monitoring could optimize resource allocation between independent monitoring sites. Importantly, even low variation between sites or years can induce spurious conclusions; hence repetitive sampling of the same sites within a year should be the rule.

In case of limited manpower, Schmeller and colleagues recommend an increase in the number of monitoring samples, even at the expense of the size of each sample. Further, more collaborations between monitoring programs at different scales need to be established, so that the sampled data may be integrated and re-used.

Finally, monitoring coordinators have to make special efforts to attract volunteers. Coordinators need to keep in mind several important points: 1) the specific characters of the local community; 2) having a recruitment strategy for volunteers interested in monitoring; 3) maintaining good communication with the volunteers; 4) having low hierarchies and treat volunteers with respect, and 5) making links to other voluntary organizations to add value to the work. Schmeller adds: "There is no one clear recipe to recruit and keep volunteers, but what is important is to keep in mind that the volunteers sacrifice their spare time for monitoring activities, which are of interest to all society!"


Original source:

Schmeller D, Henle K, Loyau A, Besnard A, Henry PY (2012) Bird-monitoring in Europe a first overview of practices, motivations and aims. Nature Conservation 2: 41-57. doi: 10.3897/natureconservation.2.3644

Additional information:

SCALES (2009) stands for "Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels and spatial, temporal, and Ecological Scales" and is a European research project. Financed by the 7th EU framework programme for research and development (FP7), SCALES seeks ways to better integrate the issue of scale into policy and decision-making and biodiversity management in the EU. For more information please see:

Posted by Pensoft Publishers.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Ecological monitoring on bird populations in Europe re-evaluated [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 30-Aug-2012
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Contact: Dr. Dirk Schmeller
Pensoft Publishers

Biodiversity and environmental monitoring is of crucial importance to diagnose changes in the environment and natural populations in order to provide conservation practice with relevant data and recommendations. The information from monitoring is required, for example, for the design and evaluation of biodiversity policies, conservation management, land use decisions, and environmental protection.

Birds are headline indicators of biodiversity due to their worldwide distribution and popularity. More than 600 bird monitoring programs are in place in Europe, resulting in huge investment of effort. Nearly 28,000 people have been involved in the 144 monitoring programs analyzed in the Nature Conservation paper, spending almost 80,000 person days per year. The evaluation was performed in SCALES, a large-scale integrated project funded by the 7th Framework Program (FP7) of the European Union.

At a dedicated SCALES symposium at the 3rd European Congress of Conservation Biology (ECCB) in Glasgow on 28th-31st of August 2012, the lead author Dr Dirk Schmeller from the CNRS, France and guest researcher at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ in Leipzig, Germany, commented: "Although popular among conservationists, bird-monitoring practices have never been characterized quantitatively. We undertook a focused questionnaire-based survey to objectively explore the strengths and weaknesses of the massive bird-monitoring effort in Europe. The results indicate a high potential for further improvements to bird monitoring in sampling design, data analysis and involvement of volunteers from the public".

"Variation in space and time can cause a significant deviation in the monitoring results, which may lead to incorrect conservation policy decisions", added Dr Klaus Henle from UFZ and coordinator of SCALES. "Therefore increasing awareness of the spatial or temporal scale at which monitoring has been performed can be of crucial importance!"

To optimize the monitoring practices, the scientists have proposed a range of recommendations. For most monitoring programs, the best data type to be collected is quantitative (count) data, such as number of individuals, which provide an early warning for conservation and policy. Further, monitoring could optimize resource allocation between independent monitoring sites. Importantly, even low variation between sites or years can induce spurious conclusions; hence repetitive sampling of the same sites within a year should be the rule.

In case of limited manpower, Schmeller and colleagues recommend an increase in the number of monitoring samples, even at the expense of the size of each sample. Further, more collaborations between monitoring programs at different scales need to be established, so that the sampled data may be integrated and re-used.

Finally, monitoring coordinators have to make special efforts to attract volunteers. Coordinators need to keep in mind several important points: 1) the specific characters of the local community; 2) having a recruitment strategy for volunteers interested in monitoring; 3) maintaining good communication with the volunteers; 4) having low hierarchies and treat volunteers with respect, and 5) making links to other voluntary organizations to add value to the work. Schmeller adds: "There is no one clear recipe to recruit and keep volunteers, but what is important is to keep in mind that the volunteers sacrifice their spare time for monitoring activities, which are of interest to all society!"


Original source:

Schmeller D, Henle K, Loyau A, Besnard A, Henry PY (2012) Bird-monitoring in Europe a first overview of practices, motivations and aims. Nature Conservation 2: 41-57. doi: 10.3897/natureconservation.2.3644

Additional information:

SCALES (2009) stands for "Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels and spatial, temporal, and Ecological Scales" and is a European research project. Financed by the 7th EU framework programme for research and development (FP7), SCALES seeks ways to better integrate the issue of scale into policy and decision-making and biodiversity management in the EU. For more information please see:

Posted by Pensoft Publishers.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Breast cancer survivor shares information through lectures, support ...

Lynn Flanagan

By Kathy Day

After Carmel Valley resident Lynn Flanagan was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1996, she joined a support group. But when she figured out they didn?t want to talk about breast cancer and just wanted to socialize, she sought out other options.

?It was a foreign concept to me to go out on a week night and be away from my kids and my husband for a social gathering,? said the mother of three who recently celebrated her 37th anniversary.

The solution came at the suggestion of her oldest son, then a high school sophomore. ?He told me to go set up my own group.?

And that was that. She still holds monthly meetings that focus on providing information about the disease to a ?sisterhood? that includes women from ages 29 to 80.

Sure, said the energetic woman who was a member of the 1972 University of Notre Dame class that was the first to include women, they are friends and they do socialize, but the key is sharing information to help people deal with their situations. Her personal mission is to make sure the information is up to date. Each month before the meetings the voracious reader prepares folders full of articles and tidbits, sometimes even personalizing them with information about a member?s type of cancer.

She dove headlong into cancer education just five months after being diagnosed. When she went back to a special reunion of her graduating class ? 325 of the 6,000 graduates were women ? she put on a seminar about early detection that brought out a standing-room-only crowd of men and women of all ages.

And she?s still at it 15 years later. On Sept. 24, Linked by Lynn ? her support group ? and Agendia, a company that makes genomic-based breast cancer diagnostic tests and aims to help healthcare professionals find more personalized ways to treat patients, are hosting John Link, M.D., for a discussion and book signing. He is the author of ?The Breast Cancer Survival Manual,? now in its fifth printing. A medical oncologist who specializes in breast cancer, he founded the Orange County-based Breastlink medical group in 1995.

Bringing Link to San Diego is no coincidence. He was one of the specialists Flanagan turned to when she was diagnosed with what she called a ?very tricky? type of breast cancer ? invasive intralobular carcinoma.

?It is very insidious and grows differently than other types,? Flanagan said in a recent interview.

She had a ?very wonderful? team led by Scripps Clinic physicians Michael Kosty and Vincent Massullo, who practices in Northern California now, but said she sought out Link for another point of view after reading the first edition of his book. Together, the doctors ?? including her surgeon Michele Carpenter, who is now director of the breast cancer program at St. Joseph?s Hospital in Orange ? developed a treatment plan that included a lumpectomy, radiation, axcillary dissection and five years of Tamoxifen.

When Flanagan developed her group, she chose to name it Linked by Lynn in honor of the physician she calls ?a special individual.?

While Kosty is still her medical oncologist ? and one she speaks highly of for his knowledge and compassion ? she frequently refers members of her group and others to Link and sometimes accompanies them on their visits.

?I send him the rocky road cases,? said.

Her relationship with him was cemented when he consulted on her sister-in-law?s case even though she was in Michigan. After her death, the family asked that donations be made in her name to CancerCare, an organization that provides free support for those affected by cancer. After raising nearly $30,000, Flanagan worked with them to organize an hour-long teleconference featuring Link and four other healthcare professionals.

Link, speaking recently from his Orange County office, explained that he decided to specialize in breast cancer because he wanted ?to do one disease really well and be kind of an expert. You can?t do 35 cancers well.?

A Chula Vista native who attended USC on a track scholarship, he decided to attend medical school ? also at USC ? after his 42-year-old track coach, Willie Wilson, died of cancer.

When he started practicing, medical oncology was in its infancy and wasn?t even considered a sub-specialty, he said, adding that things changed dramatically about 1980 with the new drugs like tamoxifen and advances in mammography.

Now, he said, ?breast cancer is no longer a death sentence. The cure rate is 90 percent.?

In the late ?70s when he started practicing, he said, that number was about 55 percent.

While at Memorial Medical Center in Long Beach, where he did his residency, he played a role in creating one of the first breast centers in a community hospital, became its director and decided to concentrate on the singular disease.

His book, first published in 1996, was an offshoot of that center, he said. ?It was pretty good ? it really helped women.?

The latest version has a lot of changes, he noted, because of new understanding about the genetic nature of the disease.

In it, he writes, ?When I see a newly diagnosed patient, I tell her the chance of being cured (yes, cured!) is very high. You do have time to educate yourself, gather information, and even obtain a second opinion if desired. Just remember, take one step at a time.?

The book includes information on types of breast cancer, understanding pathology reports, treatments, side effects, clinical trials, genetic risks, nutrition and supplements and ?Becoming a Survivor.?

Some women who have read it are ahead of their oncologists, he said. It?s also helpful for spouses, partners and children to read.

Some patients, like Flanagan, take their knowledge a step further. ?She is a very strong advocate for women with breast cancer,? Link said.

Flanagan said some have called her their ?angel bulldog. I?m extremely tenacious.?

She once got kicked out of one office for asking too many questions, but, she added proudly, her friend who was the patient got the questions answered.

Despite her seemingly eternal optimism, she is realistic, she said, showing photos in a scrapbook from gatherings that include some memorial services honoring their friends.

The key, though, is ?focusing on the celebrations and joys of life, not just the sadness.?

Meet Lynn Flanagan and Dr. John Link at a free lecture, followed by book signing, on Monday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m., at? Hilton Garden Inn, 3939 Ocean Bluff Ave.

RSVP required by Sept. 19 by e-mail to Include in subject line ?Linked By Lynn event.?

Books available at the event or at

For more information, visit or

Related posts:

  1. Moores UCSD Cancer Center joins statewide breast cancer project
  2. Breast Cancer stories: Surviving breast cancer ?also brings gifts?
  3. Locals will race for a cure for breast cancer
  4. Breast Cancer stories: Surviving breast cancer ?also brings gifts?
  5. Cancer survivor fights for awareness

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Jennifer Lawrence In 'House': 'This Generation's Meryl Streep'

'I seriously think she's that good. She's an incredible actress,' director Mark Tonderai tells MTV News of Lawrence as Fall Movie Preview week continues.
By Josh Wigler

Jennifer Lawrence in "The House at the End of the Street"
Photo: Relativity Media


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Jupiter-bound spacecraft set for key maneuver

PASADENA, Calif. (AP) ? A Jupiter-bound spacecraft prepared to fire its engine Thursday for an important maneuver intended to bring it back toward Earth.

The engine burn was the first of two planned to set up NASA's Juno spacecraft to use Earth's gravity to accelerate it toward the outer solar system. The second engine firing will occur next week.

Launched last year, Juno is zooming toward an encounter with the giant gas planet in 2016.

More than half a dozen spacecraft have visited the solar system's largest planet since the 1970s, but Juno promises to venture closer for a deeper study into Jupiter's evolution.

By peering through Jupiter's dense clouds and mapping its magnetic and gravity fields, scientists hope to better understand how the solar system formed.

The $1.1 billion mission is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.

Juno is currently about 300 million miles from Earth. Soon after launch, it glanced back and snapped a rare picture of Earth and the moon.

Since the rocket that carried Juno was not powerful enough to boost it directly to its destination, it has to cruise out to space and swing back next year to use the Earth as a slingshot to push it toward Jupiter.

The back-to-back burns were needed to put Juno on course to fly by Earth at an altitude of some 300 miles.

To prepare for Thursday's engine burn, the spacecraft's fuel tanks were pressurized and its batteries were fully charged.

Once in orbit around Jupiter, Juno will circle the poles 33 times and use instruments to track the abundance of water and oxygen in the atmosphere, and determine whether the planet's core is solid or gaseous.

Juno is the first solar-powered spacecraft to venture so far from the sun. It is equipped with three solar panels, each the size of a tractor-trailer.

Juno is designed to study Jupiter for a year and then deliberately crash into the planet so that it won't pose any threat of biological contamination to moons such as Europa, which scientists believe may have a liquid ocean beneath its surface.


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If last night?s GOP convention seemed to have a stunning lack of diversity? (Michellemalkin)

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PM Sabin Moore's AuthorHouse UK Review and Book Marketing ...

Posted on August 29, 2012 under Author Blogs


AuthorHouse UK Author P.M. Sabin Moore

AuthorHoues UK author P.M. Sabin Moore?provides her?AuthorHouse UK review and talks about book marketing?

P.M. Sabin Moore continues her AuthorHouse Author?s Digest blog series with her AuthorHouse UK review. In her second post she talks about her self-publishing experiences and how she is promoting her books, Storm Frost and Brightfire.???

The AuthorHouse Experience?
By P.M. Sabin Moore?????

Initially, I was an e-book novice, as some typos show? it would have been helpful to have the editorial aid which is now available. But the Cover Design team (I used my photos) were expert and the end-products are attractive, as people tell me.?

The Author Solutions team, the Publicity Advisors, the Marketing Managers, all have their expertise and I got used to dealing with a variety of people? though since the early days there have been thankfully fewer changes.?

It is obvious that the focus is mostly in the USA, not always relevant to a UK author! However, some provision has been made for Press Releases in UK cities, and I have had 3 radio interviews.?

Most newspapers have taken up my personal approaches to them. I hope to hear news of the next London Book Fair??! I bought into the Waterstones package- a UK chain.?

It is an expensive process, but I am currently awaiting the result of an approach from a Hollywood film/tv company, which would make a huge difference, if that dream comes true! Watch this space!??

I appreciate the advice given, about keeping your books in front of the public? but I am not (yet!) a millionaire. I pay when I can??

I don?t mind that? I did not write the books to make money, though I am thrilled by some extremely encouraging and independent reviews.?

The experience is like sending your children off into school, or the big world. May they thrive and be appreciated by those who encounter them! Even if they are bought on Kindle??

Long live bookshops!?

P.M. Sabin Moore?s AuthorHouse UK Bibliography:?

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AuthorHouse Publishing is the leader in self-publishing, providing book self-publishing and book marketing services to writers and authors worlwide. The AuthorHouse Author's Digest is designed to update AuthorHouse authors about their peers and news from the self-publishing industry. It is a platform for all 65,000 AuthorsHouse published authors to interact and share ideas.

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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

50+ Lifestyles ? Home Series Booklets Offer Home Energy Efficiency ...

Information from the Iowa State University Extension Office

The Home Series booklets are filled with everyday energy-saving tips to help Iowans make a positive impact on family budgets.

The average Iowa family spends more than half of its annual household energy bill on heating and cooling. That?s a significant number, but you can dramatically reduce these costs ? up to 30 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Energy ? by making some simple energy-saving weatherization and insulation improvements to your home. In addition ? with a little attention to proper ventilation ? you can protect your home from moisture damages year-round, reduce problems caused by ice dams on the roof during the winter and significantly cut summer cooling costs.

If you like to fix things around the house, you can handle many of the projects suggested in the Home Series books and make the most of your energy improvement budget. However, don?t hesitate to call a professional for help if you?d rather not do the work yourself; the dollars gained through energy savings in upcoming years will be worth the expense.

To get your free copy of the Home Series:

? Stop by the Scott County Extension Office at 875 Tanglefoot Lane, Bettendorf.
? Call your utility company.
? Download a PDF copy from the Iowa Energy Center website.
? Request a copy by e-mailing the Iowa Energy Center at
? Call the Iowa Energy Center at (515) 294-8819 to ask for a copy by mail.

Filed Under: Finance, News

Tags: Energy Bill, Energy Improvement, Energy Saving Tips, Energy Savings, Family Budgets, Home Energy Efficiency, Household Energy, Ice Dams, Improvement Budget, Iowa Energy Center, Iowa Family, Iowa State University, Mail, Pdf Copy, Proper Ventilation, Series Booklets, Series Books, Tanglefoot, Weatherization, Website Request

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Pistorius plays down 100m defence prospects

Oscar Pistorius on Tuesday played down his chances of defending his 100m Paralympic title, assessing that it could be the most open -- and fastest -- final in Paralympic history.

The 25-year-old South African, a triple gold medallist in the T44 100m, 200m and 400m in Beijing, made history earlier this month by becoming the first double amputee to compete at the Olympics.

But Pistorius said he would be happy for a medal of any colour in the 100m this time round, with the final likely to involve world record holder Jonnie Peacock and world champion Jerome Singleton.

Pistorius said he had been "more than impressed" with Britain's Peacock, who in June lowered the world record for single leg amputees to 10.85sec.

"He's a huge threat. But my personal opinion is that experience counts," he told a news conference at the Olympic Park.

"Guys like Jerome Singleton (of the United States, whom Pistorius narrowly beat in Beijing) have run 11.1 in the last year.

"He (Singleton) is a true professional, a very serious guy. He doesn't let competition get the better of him.

"He's going to be just as much of a challenge. He's one of the only athletes to beat me in the 100."

Event organisers have billed the T44 100m final as the race of the Paralympics, with predictions that all eight runners could break 11 seconds for the first time.

Pistorius said the development of athletes in the event since Athens and Beijing had been "phenomenal", particularly in terms of physique, while margins between runners are now measured in hundredths of a seconds, not seconds.

"There are six guys in my opinion or maybe someone else" would could win, he added.

"There isn't a favourite in the event and that's that. That makes it very exciting.

"The 100 is going to be a challenge for me... If I can finish in the top three I will be happy."

He added: "It's important to note that I haven't run a 100m personal best in five years. It's not really my event.

"As Jonnie and those guys focus on the 100, my focus is on the 400, on the complete opposite side of the spectrum when it comes to sprinting.

"I like to see the evolution of the event happening and if that means I'm not at the top of the event but the sport's getting quicker, that's OK with me."

Pistorius still holds the T43 100m world record -- for double-amputee athletes -- with a mark of 10.91 set in 2007, although American Blake Leeper equalled that time this year.

The South African comes into the Paralympics on the back of a semi-final appearance in the Olympic 400m before he anchored the South African quartet in the 4x400m relay.

The athlete, dubbed the "Blade Runner" because he runs on carbon fibre blades, said he was in form, despite suggestions that he may be tired after the Olympics.

"I have had 22 races this year. The Olympics was obviously very important, as are the Paralympics," he explained.

"In essence, we run internationally from May all the way through to September. I ran my second-fastest time last year in September. It doesn't really matter...

"I'm in the right shape... I feel in great condition to be able to perform here."


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Calgary Doors Installation | The Falls Tap Room Plumbing

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Houston Tomorrow versus Metro (Offthekuff)

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Flier fumes over $370 boarding pass fee

By A. Pawlowski, NBC News contributor

Ryanair, the Irish airline many people love to hate for its low fares and plethora of fees, is in the center of a social media tempest for charging a family $370 for not printing their boarding passes.

It happened earlier this month as British traveler Suzy McLeod, her parents and her two children were returning from Alicante, Spain, to Bristol, England.

Ryanair requires passengers to check in online and show up at the airport with pre-printed boarding passes, but the family hadn?t performed the last step.

?I had the passes on my phone as PDF documents and thought this would be sufficient,? McLeod told The Telegraph newspaper on Wednesday.

It wasn?t ? the airline charged the passengers 60 euros per person for a boarding pass re-issue fee, as outlined in the fee menu on its website. The grand total: 300 euros, or about $370.

McLeod was furious. To vent, she posted a comment on a Facebook page dedicated to Ryanair last Thursday complaining about having to pay so much ?for them to print out a piece of paper? and urging readers to ?please ?like? if you think that?s unfair ...?

The reaction has been huge: more than 354,000 people liked the Facebook comment and more than 18,000 left a message in response.

?It's been absolutely crazy,? McLeod told The Telegraph.

?What it has shown me is that there are a huge amount of people who have had bad experiences with Ryanair. I didn't expect so many people to react to it. It must have struck a cord (sic) with some people.?

Ryanair did not respond to a request for comment, but the airline told The Telegraph its fees are clearly outlined in the terms and conditions for every passenger.

?Mrs. McLeod agreed at the time of booking that she and her fellow passengers would check-in online and print their boarding cards before arriving at their departure airport, and she also accepted and agreed that if she failed to do so then she would pay our boarding card re-issue penalty,? spokesman Stephen McNamara said.

In the United States, Spirit Airlines is so far the only carrier to charge a fee for having agents print your boarding pass at the airport. But at $5, it?s a far cry from the amount Ryanair demands, said George Hobica, founder of

?It?s definitely outrageous,? Hobica said of the Irish carrier?s fee. ?You have to be extremely cautious, you have to really read the fine print when you fly on Ryanair.?

But he sees more U.S. airlines implementing such fees in their quest to eliminate as much human interaction as possible at the airport. The goal: to save money by reducing ground staff to a minimum and making you pay if you want to talk to a live person.

?Theoretically, why do you really need to talk to an agent unless there?s a problem?? Hobica said.

?Most of the check-in process now is being automated. Even scanning your boarding passes at the jetway now is being experimented with just self-service: scan it yourself, a gate opens and you pass through. It?s like going in on the subway.?

Self-boarding technology is already in place at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Hobica noted.

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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Here Comes Honey Boo Boo Quote Recap: Speaking Spanish, Smelling Like Oyster Stew

TLC aired another episode of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo last night and, don't worry, we watched it so you would not have to.

And we've once again jotted down the best/worst/most nauseating quotes from an installment that found the show's six-year old star trying to speak Spanish...

"She feel like she gotta pee and s— at the same time." - Mama explaining Chickadee's labor pains.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Getting my finger stuck in my pussy?" - Mama giving Sugar Bear some lip.

"I kind of want to go spend time by myself." - Honey Boo Boo in mourning over Glitzy Pig.

"You better redneckognize!" - Honey Boo Boo to the cameraman.

"You got to wear this to bed tonight. That is smexy." - Mama to a Santa suit-wearing Sugar Bear.

"The thing I love about Glitzy is that she loves me." - Honey Boo Boo on her pig.

"I smell like a bowl of oyster stew so I gotta get clean." - Sugar Bear on why he must shower.


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LONDON PARALYMPICS: Jordan pulls athletes out of Paralympics amid sex charges

AP - Jordan pulled three squad members accused of sexual assault in Northern Ireland out of the 2012 London Paralympics on Thursday, sports officials in Amman said.

The Jordanian Paralympic Committee said the three men - two Paralympic power -lifters and a trainer - will be flown home later on Thursday but that they will be returned to court in Northern Ireland on Oct. 18 for their hearing.

The three were arrested on Monday northwest of Belfast where Jordan?s squad is one of several national teams training before the Paralympics, which begin Aug. 29. The men were released on bail Wednesday.

The committee said in a written statement to The Associated Press that it decided to pull the three out of the games because it ?would be inappropriate for the accused athletes to compete? in the international tournament.

?We have zero tolerance on any misconduct and will continue to work closely with the Northern Ireland authorities to assist in their investigation,? said the statement. The wording reflected the embarrassment of the government, which is seeking to place Jordan on the world?s sports map.

?However, our focus is now preparing the remaining members of the team for competition and we look forward to taking part in what promises to be a truly magnificent sporting event,? it added.

In Northern Ireland, police said a 14-year-old girl claimed that she posed for photographs with Omar Sami Qaradhi, 31, before he groped her between the legs in the town center of Antrim on Aug. 18.

That same day, a 16-year-old girl said she and a friend were walking along the river near the sports center where the men were training when they blocked their path. Police allege that one of the men pushed the girl towards Qaradhi, who wrapped his arm around her waist and tightened his grip before she ran away.

Qaradhi is facing three charges of sexual assault, two of which are against a child. He also is charged with one count of voyeurism after allegedly entering a women?s changing room at the local sports center.

The two other men were identified as Motaz Al Junaidi, 45, and trainer Faisal Hammash, 35, who also appeared at Coleraine Magistrates? Court on Wednesday.



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Love and Marriage ? Menial Musings

?Love and marriage, love and marriage, go together like a horse and carriage!?

Like any other girl, I often suffer from a condition called ?Wedding Brain.? Although I have often bragged that I was never ?wedding crazy? as a young girl, now that I am older I will not deny that the mention of a wedding gives me an excited shiver and a glowing uterus. I drive by scenic locations and think, ?What a great place for a reception! (sigh)? and some of my favorite television programs include David Tutera?s ?My Fair Wedding? and ?Say Yes to the Dress.? All women are half human, half wedding monster and I am no exception to the rule.

However, just because I like the general idea of a day devoted to proclaiming love and pretty dresses, this does not mean I want to get married anytime soon. Even at the tender age of 22, I am reminded that I have no ring on my finger. Many of my Facebook friends are changing their relationship status? from ?In a Relationship? to ?Engaged? while mine has remained stationary for some time. It seems that the age that women are married decreases as the age that men are married increases. This means that the tick tock of the marriage clock can be heard right after a woman graduates college. I hear it all the time.

I tend to make myself ?4 year plans.? As a recent graduate, my last 4 year plan has been accomplished and I am starting to move on to my next. This plan is a bit more tricky to devise and will require some real work if I am to pack all the travel, career work and other life goals in before a marriage at the end of the plan. I will need to start my career within the year! Save enough money to travel to all my dream destinations in two! Have enough stability to start a family in three?!?! My head is spinning,

?Because I am getting old ? is not a reason to get married. ?Because I have been dating this guy for a really long time? is not a reason to get married. ?Because I want to fool around with my boyfriend/girlfriend? is not a reason to get married. ?Because it is what everyone else is doing? is not a reason to get married.

Screw the plan! I want to just see what happens. Love is the only really good reason to get married. But, even if you are hopelessly in love, this does not mean you are ready for all the financial responsibilities and commitment of a marriage. I want to travel, start that career, even write a book and take all these goals slowly, because that is just my style. When I have found myself, then it will be time to start a life with another. I can?t plan out when this will happen and I am sick and tired of the strict, ?First comes love, then comes marriage? mentality of some people.

Now, I don?t think that marriage is the ?end all,? the ?dead-end.? Instead, I think it is an incredible, life-changing step in life. This is why I only want to embrace it when I believe I have faced the trials and tribulations of life and am truly ready. It is the same with love. This is the most beautiful, poetic emotion known to man; so why rush it? I want to experience all that love has to offer. When I find that I have exhausted my ?In a Relationship? stage, I will move on to an ?Engaged? and then a ?Married.? Loving each step of love to its fullest. We are all different, and each of us will will spend a different amount of time in each stage. I do not judge any young ?Engaged? couples out there. If you have truly found that nothing in the world would make you happier than moving to the ?Married? stage I am proud of your maturity.? I applaud you for knowing what you want out of life.

We are all different. I won?t judge you if you won?t judge me for being slow and steady when it comes to relationships.


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Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Section 65

Section 65

Take the role of an agent who fights to keep the human race safe from aliens and shadowy organizations hell bent on exploiting alien tech and knowledge.


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The Finance Corner: Is It Smarter To Lease Or Buy Your Next Car?

We?ve all heard the terms ?lease? versus ?buy? in regards to automobiles. So when we start that dreaded car shopping experience we brace ourselves for the onslaught of terms, like financing and payment options, lease or purchase, sinuously spewing from the mouth of that overly-eager car salesman. Don?t get caught under his nebulous spell. If you do your homework before stepping foot into that car showroom, then you can feel confident in your decision making processes. Just in case you don?t know the differences or are unsure about what might work best for you long term, let?s explore the two options and weigh the good versus the bad.

Lease or buy that shiny new car?

Auto leases: Well, we?ve all heard that adage: That car you just bought began to depreciate the very second drove it off the lot. But you fooled all those naysayers, you didn?t buy the car, you?re leasing. What does this mean exactly? Well, first of all, you don?t have a lot of extra cash sitting around so leasing helps your situation since you?ll have a much lower down payment and your monthly payments are also going to be lower, remember you are only paying for the cost of depreciation, so you pay much less money each month than your purchasing brethren, but there are some unforeseen costs involved too. If you are someone who drives a lot, this is another area to take note of. Lease companies will often charge extra for mileage exceeding 15,000 miles generally between .15 and .25 cents a mile. Don?t forget that by leasing a car you will never be free of those monthly payments and you are responsible for all wear and tear costs on the vehicle, something that you should really consider since you constantly drive around with your five golden retrievers. Thank goodness you?ve got options; because a lease has set time limits, at some point you?ll have to choose: will you trade this car in at the expiration of the lease or look into purchasing? This will be difficult for you because you?ve really enjoyed this car, her name is Betsy by the way, and Betsy has been extremely reliable, as a matter of fact the thought of abandoning her to some other driver causes you a moment of panic. Not to fret, again, you?ll need to do some more research to see if Betsy?s outstanding balance is worth taking on or maybe you?ll have to break her heart a little and find someone new. It?s decision time, you love Betsy, but quite honestly she?s lost some of her initial charm and luster, what with all that dog hair. What?s really pulling on your heart is something a little sleeker and maybe a little sportier. You?re suddenly needing a little more freedom in your life, you bid Betsy adieu when your lease is up and drive off in that sportier model, Daphne.

Saving money makes sense.

Purchasing: You?ve coveted auto trader since you were a young boy, hiding them in-between your mattress like forbidden skin magazines. Your boyhood room was plastered with posters of muscle cars and there is only one car you for you; a 2012 ZL 1Coupe, cherry-red with black racing stripes and supple leather interior. Your heart races with that mental image of you behind the wheel, the looks of awe and appreciation you?ll undoubtedly receive from the ladies, the feel of that gear shift in your hand while you navigate your regal way among the common masses. You scoff at those poor souls, stuck in that 1980?s standard model sedan or heaven forbid--the totally uncool minivan. You shake your head and pity their sad existences until you start examining the cold hard facts; namely cost. You?ve been saving up for a long time, but, wow, you didn?t really factor in a lot of these extras; you love those chrome hubcaps, you agree with the salesman that they really do bring out that vibrant red, you can even see your giddy face when you peer into them, but you didn?t realize how much extra they cost. That calfskin leather that caressed your skin like a breath of heady tropical breezes is only going to add to that already hefty price tag. For the first time since stepping into the showroom, you?re starting to sweat a little, and it?s not from just excitement. It?s about all those little things you kind of forget to include and are adding up quickly. But you?re in it for the long run, you?ll never sell this baby off. True, you?ll have a bigger down payment than the lease option, higher monthly payments, oops, it appears your insurance company doesn?t really like these cars either, no matter, this is your dream car. And you?ll never settle for anything less. The thought of some other man?s hands touching any part of her causes your heart to clutch. Nope, you bite the bullet and buy her outright. As you sign your life away, you pray that you may live long enough to actually reach that last payment coupon.

For the type of person who really likes driving new cars each year or so or someone who is a little cash-strapped and doesn?t want to put down that large down payment, leases are a great option. If on the other hand, you know that you?ll drive this car around until the wheels fall off, purchasing would definitely be the better way to go.


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Different Types of Computer Fix Solutions | michael kors

Posted on | August 21, 2012 | Comments Off

Our reliance towards engineering is growing daily. Even a slight issue in the os disrupts our life and hampers our work. With the development of new technology, there also comes several complex problems such as for instance virus infections, spyware problems on the operating-system, networks dilemmas, and equipment failures. Therefore, fast and efficient troubleshooters are usually needed to fix all your technical issues without disrupting your work.With the essential usage of computers in our everyday lives, we can?t imagine encountering an issue that can abandon us without our personalized computers thus; we find to really have the computer company quickly. But due to the busyness of life, it?s not possible for all of us to visit a computer service centers everytime and have the process fixed leaving you days with no computer. Seeing today?s need, there are several effective and quick troubleshooters available online that will resolve your trouble in a portion of time. Many of us do try to solve the device related issue on their own and not recognize importance of professional pc repair services. Before going to any one of the computer repair service sites, it?s very important to keep yourself informed of the numerous kinds of services that exist by the computer repair service centers:1. IT services like network installation and configuration (LAN/WAN startup ).2. Disease & spyware treatment. Installation of anti-virus software for a proactive method of additional attacks.3. Electronics repair: Laptop/Mac/PC, printer, protection, motherboard; CD/DVD ROM installment etc.4. Issues associated with Web site development and presentation, visual designing5. Firewall and mail safety setup.6. Windows OS installment and troubleshooting7. Data backup and recovery8. Lessons to employees for solving small problems in-houseSo, They?re a number of the services made available from the companies. Before hiring some of the on the web computer fix services, it is extremely important to test the various types of services made available from them. So that you don?t need to change to different computer repair services sites for different services. It?s also essential to test that there is a staff of expert professionals for solving computer related problems individually, as this will assist in solving the situation efficiently and fast. It?s safer to switch to such online pc repair services that avail you with the promise of correcting the issue rapidly otherwise cash back. Therefore, claims may pressurize the experts to perform effectively and repair the problem easily.

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