Tuesday, January 24, 2012


We've all heard the fairy tails, I'm sure. How fairies do this, and elves do that. Well, have you ever wondered if we don't have it all wrong? Because, if we do: then maybe we should just fear vampires more, or maybe the ocean isn't as inviting as we once believed...At any rate, today, I think we have the chance to find out. Won't you join me?

Our story, dear child, starts with a war.

And what a terrible war it was. The entire land participated, from the Vampire nation to the east, to the Eleven kingdom of the west, all the way to the Human settlements of the north and the Werewolf clans in the south. It was absolutely everyone. Sure, some of the armies fought differently, some were more merciful than others, but there was bloodshed from all sides. Alliances were formed, people were slaughtered, and the Angels were the ones to end it, after not participating but the last year, they grew tired of the fighting and simply put an end to it. Now, ten years later, the children of the royal families, born during the war, are old enough to wed. Normally, the kings and queens would simply get together with their favored kingdoms to find a suitor for their little prince or princess; but not this time. No, this time the Angels insist that something different be done. The hair to every throne now must meet up in the Kingdom of La Lumi?re, where the Angels dwell, to find themselves a suitor. This has caused a bit of an uproar, let them choose for themselves?! It's simply unheard of! However, if this condition is not met, the Angels have made it more than clear that they can pull their influences from every kingdom in the land, and that is more than enough convincing for most. However, if they choose nt to choose, or don't like the choices they've been given...Then what will happen?

And then the beautiful princess locked eyes with the prince...

Here we have our lovely cast of characters. I will let you interpret them however you wish, permitting the description of their race, of course.

Dryad Princess. Dryads are tree nymphs and as such are an entirely female race: a child of a Dryad is either born a Dryad, or as the race of the father. There is never a mixture of the two. They are a long-living race, and each is linked to a tree from somewhere in the land and as thus they live all across our fair land, for if their tree dies, so do they and as such they tend to like to be near their tree. Dryads are notoriously shy, except around those they've known for a while, or have observed to be kind to nature. (Open)

Fairy Prince. Fairies are a human-sized, and incredibly beautiful race. Unlike what we're often told, they do not posses wings, rather they fly using their magic. The females are often mistaken for Angels due to their appearance, though their one major difference is Fairies tend to be somewhat translucent- they're solid to the touch, but you can almost see right through them. They are a kindhearted, but mischievous people that have been cursed with an inability to lie, and they hate people thanking them with words alone, they'd much rather you insure their kindness never be forgotten than simply say "Thank you" and forget about them. (Open)

Angel Princess. Angels are the second of the fully-female races, or first, depending on how you look at it. They are radiant, confident, and masters of light magic. It is because of their influences that every kingdom in the land is as fertile and well off as it it, and as such losing their influences would be terrible. They do have wings, and they can fly. They hate the Demons with a passion and have an undying compassion for the Humans, seeing as how fragile and innocent they are. (Sorella)

Werewolf Prince. Basically, Werewolves change in an inhuman, but not quite animal, being during full moons and when extremely angered. They're infamous for their tempers and hatred for humans. (Open)

Merfolk Princess. Put simply, the Merfolk are a race of people that live primarily in water, though they do need water to survive. They often lure sailors out to sea so that they can rip them apart and feed on their flesh. Charming, aren't they? They can survive out of the water, and their tails will turn to a pair of legs once fully dried out, but they need to ingest large amounts of liquid to survive. (That one guy)

Elven Prince. Look, we ain't talking Santa's Elves here. These Elves are tall, sensual and skilled people. They're great at elemental magic and live as one with nature. They just so happen to be faster, stronger, and more agile than humans, but not quite so much as some of the other races. (Open)

Human Princess. Humans are among the most hated of all the peoples in the land. They are the weakest, the slowest, the least intelligent and most prone to being hurt or killed. Though, they are also loved for their ability to love so much it hurts, for their intense imaginations and the fact that no matter where they go, they adapt and survive- something many of the other races simply cannot do. (Open)

Ghost Prince. Ghosts are not dead, they are simply beings that are not fully understood at the time. While, yes, they can walk through solid objects and walls, it is all because of a type of magic that's flowing through their very blood. They are completely translucent, but can be touched and felt if they feel like letting you, and they also do need to eat, and will do so, but they hate hot food, so it much be cooled properly. (Jeffrey!)

Vampire Princess. Vampires love the darkness, direct light from the sun is poison to them, reflected light, not so much. Crosses and Holy Water don't do much to them, they find it funny, actually. Though they can be killed by most anything that would instantly kill a human, otherwise they'll heal up pretty quickly. They need to drink blood to survive, though the type of blood is really just a personal preference. (Madmoiselle)

Demon Prince. Demons are...Well, the opposite of Angels, that's for sure. They can survive anywhere, really, and are just as beautiful as Angels, the only real catch is, they're all male. Masters of dark magic, they're often blamed when anything goes wrong in the world, but the biggest question is: are they really evil, or are they just there to bring balance to the world. Legend says that the Angels and Demons were once one, so why do they hate each other so much, now? (Traveler)

The lore of my people is an interesting one, fair maiden.

This is simply some lore to help you understand our world better.

The top three least trusted races are, 1: Demons, 2: Ghosts, 3: Vampires. It's said that one of these three races started most every war every fought.

The world is thought to have been started when the Angels and Demons entered into the first war ever, there was when they spilt from being one group (often referred to as the Celestials) and went their own ways.

To actually have a Ghost let you see them is a difficult feat, and is said to be a sign of a tender, trustworthy heart.

Crossing paths with a Demon is terrible luck in the eyes of many, and some will go so far as turning around and staying at home for as long as a week so they won't be cursed.

Vampires and Werewolves have fought many wars, so many, in fact, that they don't remember why they hate each other.

A kiss from an Angel is said to bring a long and happy, but difficult life.

Alternatively, a kiss from a Demon is said to bring a short, but powerful and easy life.

Sleeping in the same bed as a Fairy is said to bring sweet dreams.

Though, if said Fairy is angry, it is said to bring nightmares.

Living with a Ghost is believed to ward off sickness by some, and thought to bring it tenfold by others.

Humans are often captured and sold as slaves, especially to the Vampires and Elves.

To say, "He's as sneaky as a Ghost on purification day." Is referring to the one day a year that Ghosts can legally be captured and killed by Werewolves, Vampires and Elves. It's not easy to do, either.

What would your fair laws be, noble king?

1. Romance is not only allowed, but encouraged! Just a thought, though, you shouldn't be madly in love as soon as you look at someone. Sure, crushes happen, but please give relationships time to bloom. Oh, but once romance starts up, don't blind us. Follow rpg's rules, too, love.
2. Not everyone will like each other ic, actually, I'd like it much more if a little drama was going on.
3. Um, be awesome?
4. Electricity doesn't exist yet, so, you know, keep that in mind and stuff.
5. I'm letting you come up with names for the nations (except the Angel's kingdom, I didn't that one for you) and what they believe and such. Have fun with that one.
6. If I've never roleplayed with you before, I'd love a small sample of what you can do, just to insure you'll be a nice fit here, please. Thank you.

Oh! What dress to wear to the ball?

Code: Select all
[left][img]Picture here, I'd prefer realistic, but this is a fantasy rp so I understand needing something different.[/img][/left][i][b]Name:[/i][/b] Be creative, here.
[i][b]Age:[/b][/i] Sixteen to nineteen, please.
[i][b]Appearance:[/b][/i] Because the picture is just to help us out a little on picturing the character.

[i][b]Personality:[/b][/i] Because we want to know your character as well as you do.
[i][b]What do you think about being able to choose your spouse:[/b][/i]
[i][b]History:[/b][/i] What kind of life have you had until now?

Alright, and that's all. Have fun with this, loves.

Source: http://feeds.feedburner.com/RolePlayGateway

insanity leonard cohen napoleon napoleon wish you were here lyrics wish you were here lyrics mine

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